Category: Microsoft
Get Internet Explorer back on Windows 10
The single biggest complaint I hear about Windows 10 is that the default browser is now Edge. You can actually change this pretty easily if you use only a computer or two. Unfortunately, this is a user profile setting and must be done for each user on each computer. That being said, let’s get started.…
Excel Sort Dates by Month and Day
Today I have been given the task of sorting a spreadsheet with about 20,000 rows by birthdate or anniversary. The sort needs to be by month and day, ignoring the year for CRM. The simple formula I used was TEXT(CELL,”mm/dd”). The problem was that many (thousands) of the dates were in unrecognizable formats such as…
Excel Combine Duplicate Rows
I have a need to look for duplicate entries in an Excel worksheet and delete the ones with outdated or incomplete data. This has proven to be a bit more difficult than I thought it would be. I will be working on a better solution for this based on demand. The AbleBits add on did…
Excel Formula to Format Phone Numbers
This is a formula for use by users that are familiar with using formulas in Excel. If you are not such a user, be careful and backup before you start. We need to convert a column of variously formatted phone numbers to a common format. This can be difficult if the source has several formats…
Opening Excel sheet shows grey screen
The screen was blank because the sheet had been saved in a position off the screen. To see the sheet, go to Veiw, Arrange All, or Window Arrange. Press OK and you should see it.